Saturday, May 3, 2014


We Take Back OUR Race

We came out in large numbers. Over a millions spectators along the route swelled the crowds like never before. Boston Strong signs and sentiment were everywhere. Legions of enthusiastic volunteers provided aid in everything from boarding buses, to collecting discarded clothing, to manning the fluid stations and then caring for race finishers. Local, State and Military Police provided protection in, around and along the entire route. Even Mother Nature offered her support with a gorgeous day. All combined in unison with the 36K runners descending upon Boston, to celebrate the city, rejoice in the pinnacle of our sport, to reclaim OUR Finish Line and help Boston heal.

Deciding to requal for Boston 2014 (To BQ?) and being fortunate gain entry, was one of my best running decisions. Every aspect of the this year’s race was spectacular, heightened by the shared sense of wanting to do something for Boston. It was outstanding to just be a part of it.

Going to Hopkinton??
Welcome to your BM 2014 Experience
Prerace social network

The positive energy could be felt in the Athletes Village as we waited to start our journey. Much less of runners angst and much more of a collective calm seemed to permeate the ethos. We did our best to soak in and conserve that energy while waiting to charge. Soon it was time to fill the corrals.

Frank charging the batteries
Chillin' in the Village
To the corrals we go

Away We Go
The starting guns of the multiple waves went off right on time and we moved en mass down the large decent of the first mile. It was difficult to hold back on the first few miles, with the downhills and enthusiasm to give ourselves to the course.

The start of something wonderful
Down we go

The early miles rolled off, almost too quickly, wishing things would slow down to extend the experience. Tried to absorb the sites and crowds

Prerace goodies, frat style

Thank yo', Thank yo very much for running
Nicholas finished, Boston Strong, in under 7hrs
A better view of the running masses
Many interesting people along the way.

Able to run long distances... Its Marathon Man

Local celebs Rick and Dick of Team Hoyt
Nice views in Natick
Early miles, big smiles
Updating status: got t' run

Scream Tunnel
The girls of Wellesley were out in force, not will willing to relinquish their 'Sirens of Scream' title.

The girls of Wellesley


Newton Hills
Making the turn at the fire house in mi 17 brought on the start of the 4 Newton hills. The cheering crowds provided the additional boost to power up them.

Glad to see the hills
Fuel up and take the rise
Working hard on Heartbreak
The top's in site. 
The BU students always make for a good show coming down the back side of Heart Break.

Home Stretch.
In the last few miles our bodies start to rebel and the mental training needs to take over:
“Feeling Energized, Running Boston Strong”

Crowds really swelling
Downhills are welcome
A reminder to finish Strong
We can taste it now!

Boylston St
Words cannot express the emotions that flowed with us down to the finish line.

Mile 26

Finish Line

Congrats! You Earned It!
Boston Hoodies to keep warm
Exhilarated to be part of Boston 2014

Post Race Party
This year I decided to stay around and attend the post-race festivities and get a glimpse of the winners. Sam Adam’s hosted the party with their 26.2 brew made once a year for the Boston Marathon.

My sister Pat & I outside Fenway Pk, wait'g for the party.

The hard pace brought by hometown girl Shalane Flanagan in the 1st half, set the stage for Rita Jeptoo to clock a new women’s course record of 2:18:57

Rita Jeptoo, Women's Winner

The Boston Strong energy and crowd support helped carry Meb Keflezighi to the top spot in 2:08:37, becoming the first American to win Boston since 1983. What a phenomenal ending to an unforgettable 2014 Boston Marathon!

Meb won it for Boston